About Germinate Aotearoa
We are kaiako (educators), capability development specialists, learning designers, creatives, ideas people, and solutions designers.
We’re based in Aotearoa New Zealand and embrace all the good things that brings. We recognise Māori as tangata whenua – the people of this land – and are grateful for their kaitiakitanga (guardianship) over Aotearoa and its taonga (treasures).

Our purpose
Germinate Aotearoa exists to make Aotearoa a better place to learn.
Our mahi (work) is grounded in reality and contemporary practice, underpinned by the mātauranga (wisdom) of experts.
Our services lead to the development of valuable skills and bring about positive behaviour change.
Everything we do is underpinned by our values.

The time for positive change
Germinate Aotearoa was formed in 2020 by Chris Schraders. Chris saw a need for creative, engaging, and inspiring learning resources underpinned by robust educational thinking. He formed Germinate Aotearoa to meet this need with a goal of bringing together some of the brightest minds in adult education and design.
Since then we’ve worked with businesses and institutions that share our enthusiasm for exceptional learning experiences.
We work in partnership (kotahitanga) with our clients. We value their expertise in their field of practice, and the expertise of their industries. We bring to the table mātauranga (wisdom) related to how people learn and which guides the educational approaches we use.

Learning and growth
When we learn, we grow, both personally and as part of a collective.
We think education is pretty similar to tending a garden. It’s about creating the conditions for learners to thrive, recognising that different learners need different support, and will support each other in different and beneficial ways.
We help clients grow their own understanding of teaching, learning, and assessment, supported through the creation of meaningful resources that help learners grow and reach their full potential.
We’re growing great minds for great futures.

The team
Germinate Aotearoa was formed in 2020 by Chris Schraders. Chris saw a need for creative, engaging, and inspiring learning resources underpinned by robust educational thinking. He formed Germinate Aotearoa to meet this need with a goal of bringing together some of the brightest minds in adult education and design.
Since then we’ve worked with businesses and institutions that share our enthusiasm for exceptional learning experiences.
We work in partnership (kotahitanga) with our clients. We value their expertise in their field of practice, and the expertise of their industries. We bring to the table mātauranga (wisdom) related to how people learn and which guides the educational approaches we use.

Our networks
Get in touch anytime
Think our mix of skills and capability will create a solution for your next project, and our values align with yours? Then get in touch and let’s kōrero (talk)!
(021) 344 226