Chris Schraders
Chris (he/him) is the Director of Germinate Aotearoa and a Principal Consultant
Chris has worked in tertiary and vocational education since 2004 in roles ranging from instructional designer to head of department, in government and tertiary education organisations.
Chris is equally adept at setting educational strategy and policy as he is designing programme curricula or creating activities and resources to support teaching, learning and assessment. He is experienced in implementing and managing learning management systems and in designing, building, deploying and maintaining bespoke online database systems.
Chris’ work in the education sector and in small and medium enterprises has led to the significant and enduring improvement of a wide range of educational offerings and business processes.
Before moving into education, Chris worked as a landscaper and arborist. He has a long-term goal of returning to his roots (pun intended) by becoming a landscape architect later in life; a journey that is no mean feat given the level of education and experience required.
Chris studied landscape design at Wintec in 2022/23 and received a Special Award for being the top overall student in the programme, so he’s started this journey the right way.
In between commitments to a young family, working for Germinate, and being a search and rescue volunteer and drone operator, Chris makes time for a bike ride or a spot of indoor rock climbing a few times each week.
View Chris’ profile on LinkedIn.

Top skills

Learning technology implementation
Chris has led the implementation of a wide range of learning technologies for government and tertiary education organisations over the past 15 years.
Projects range from the implementation of ‘off the shelf’ student management systems, learning management systems, and resource development tools to development of bespoke assessment and learner support platforms.

Learning programme design
Chris has led the development of learning programmes for internal organisational learning and for tertiary education organisations leading to qualifications on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework.

Learning resource development
Chris has developed learning resources for face-to-face, online and blended learning programmes for a range of industries, including emergency response, emergency management, horticulture, landscaping, and electrical engineering.
Get in touch anytime
Think our mix of skills and capability will create a solution for your next project, and our values align with yours? Then get in touch and let’s kōrero (talk)!
(021) 344 226